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Psalm 119:165 - “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.“

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Is this a Good Thing?

   I thought it was awesome that Jesse Watters' mom called into his show on Fox News. I agree with everything she said. I'm skeptical of him or that horrible network listening though. One person I work with thinks it looks horrible that she called, and that he took the call onair. I thought it was funny. Also shows how you really should listen to your mom. Right Jesse?!

   Personally, I won't watch anything with Murdoch family name attached. Fox News showed us they're willing to lie for ratings/money, and have no journalistic integrity. Once a lier always a lier. I have no faith at all in that family name. It's alost as bad as the name Trump. That one means traitor to me.